Thursday, January 18, 2007

So... yeah- the dog park. both of the dogs decided to barf the day after the park visit, so either they ate something there that they weren't supposed to, OR they played in the feild with something on the grass (pesticide?). both of them barfed a couple of times and it was mostly saliva and some grass... My pal Lauren's dog, Zoe, didn't get sick at all, but she wasn't really as adventurous at the park as Muppy and Gertrude, so I don't really know what is going on. every other time we have gone they have been fine, so something must have been different. They recovered relatively quickly though, once whatever it was got out of their system... its been a pretty mild week otherwise. they were excited because for us, they have had a lot visitors this week- our friend Mark came out from Hollywood this weekend, and they REALLY love him, and then last night we had our friends Kit, Isaiah and Owen over for a late holiday soiree. i am posting some pictures of that... I can tell they are missing our extended families though. Lately we haven't been able to make as frequent of visits down the grade to my parents ' and steve's parents' place.... this weekend i work all day saturday, and sunday is the pug meetup, so we aren't going to be able to make it then either... Next weekend, hopefully.


Blogger Justin said...

Hey, how was your pug meetup?? was it fun? or boring...

Anyways, if you get time check this out winter care tips for pets

1:15 AM  

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