hi there- well, this weekend went smoothly enough. The girls always love visiting their grandparents, and we went down into Oxnard (to see the fam) this weekend because we had some post-turkey day events to attend. Saturday was one of Steve's cousin's quincinera's (sp?), and Sunday was a day to spend with my family.... Unfortunately the puppies could come to neither one of them. oh well. its just another Monday- although it has been rainy here and Gertrude HATES it, especially in the morning when i force her to wear a sweater because she shivers and it upsets me. Muppy doesnt like it either, but she has A LOT of fur so it doesn't really affect her as much. other than that, its been quiet at the apartment. i can't wait until this friday when Gerti will be done with her shots and can come on walks with Muppy and I. DOG PARKS HERE WE COME!!! i posted some pictures of what the girls have been up to tonight since Steve and i got home....